Class Diagrams

Factory Classes

Factories are used in the BDSS to modularise the code and therefore allow additional components to be contributed using plugins.

The BaseFactory class fulfills an IFactory interface, and is therefore able to be contributed and subsequently located by the BaseExtensionPlugin and FactoryRegistryPlugin classes respectively


Each individual BaseFactory subclass also provides an interface that inherits from IFactory.


Model Classes

Each BaseModel class is designed to act as both a serializable and visual representation of a Workflow object. It contains any information that is exposed to the user and, since it inherits from HasTraits, the UI components are provided by the TraitsUI library.

The BaseModel classes all share a common API for serialization, event handling and workflow verification:
  • notify(BaseDriverEvent): Takes an BaseDriverEvent instance and assigns it to the event attribute.

  • verify(): Performs a set of checks on the model attributes and returns a list of VerifierError instances describing any issues.

  • serialize(): Returns a dictionary object containing basic python values able to be written to file as a JSON.

The BaseModel.verify and BaseModel.serialize methods are expected to be overridden by any subclass to suit the needs of the developer, whereas the BaseModel.notify method is designed to be used as a setter method for the event attribute. Further information is available on both event handling and verification pathways in the BDSS.

Runtime Classes

The factory classes act as creators of BaseModel instances, as well as other objects that are only used during an MCO run. The following sections take a closer look at each of these objects in turn


The BaseMCOFactory fulfills the IMCOFactory interface. It is able to construct both BaseMCO and BaseMCOModel subclasses and also contains references to a list of objects that fulfill the IMCOParameterFactory interface. Likewise, the BaseMCOParameterFactory provides this interface and constructs BaseMCOParameter subclasses. Consequently, each MCO must declare a set of parameter types that it is able to use.


The BaseMCOModel class provides user input required by a BaseMCO class during runtime. It also contains references to, and methods used to broadcast the MCO-related BaseDriverEvent subclasses: MCOStartEvent, MCOProgressEvent and MCOFinishEvent. The variables designated as KPIs are represented by a list of KPISpecification objects, which also provide scaling instructions in order to convert them into comparable unit-less values. The BaseMCO class’ only job is to provide the the implementation of any optimization algorithm that will be performed during the method. This method takes in one argument, which must fulfill the IEvaluator interface.


Any object that provides this interface must contain a reference to the corresponding BaseMCOModel, as well as an implementation of an IEvaluator.evaluate method which is used to return the state of the system to be optimized for a given list of input parameters. It is therefore expected that the method will perform some iteration over IEvaluate.evaluate, passing in possible MCO parameter values and obtaining the corresponding KPI values as output.

Data Sources

The BaseDataSourceFactory fulfills the IDataSourceFactory interface. It is able to construct both BaseDataSource and BaseDataSourceModel subclasses.


The BaseDataSourceModel class provides user input required by a BaseDataSource class during runtime. It is also used in the backend to broadcast any Data Source-related events: DataSourceStartEvent and DataSourceProgressEvent and DataSourceFinishEvent.

The BaseDataSource class has methods that require implementation: and BaseDataSource.slots The run method contains a black box of code that will be performed during evaluation of the workflow. It expects a reference to the BaseDataSourceModel as well as a list of DataValue instances that contain extra parameters generated during runtime. The slots method is used to communicate the expected length and format of both the input and output lists of DataValues associated with the run method, mainly so that this can be displayed in the UI before an MCO run is called.

Notification Listeners

The BaseNotificationListenerFactory fulfills the INotificationListenerFactory interface. It is able to construct both BaseNotificationListener and BaseNotificationListenerModel subclasses


The BaseNotificationListenerModel class provides user input required by a BaseNotificationListener class during runtime.